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  • Can Dogs Get Coronavirus? March 2020

    Here's some good news: No!

    Can dogs get COVID-19?

    No! Thousands of dogs and cats have been tested for Coronavirus and all have received negative results. In fact, the CDC and Paris-based World Organization for Animal Health have confirmed that there is no conclusive evidence that household companions such as dogs can contract or transmit Coronavirus. Dr. John Williams, who has studied pediatric infectious diseases including the Coronavirus has written that, "...the idea that we're going to give this virus to our pets or we're going to get it from them is just nonsense."

    But what about the Pomeranian from Hong Kong that tested positive?

    A 17 year old Pomeranian tested positive for Coronavirus on February 28, 2020. However, the test itself was only "weakly positive" and the canine had eventually tested negative on many other occasions. Though the Pomeranian passed away shortly after release from quarantine, scientists speculate that the death was cause by stress of separation from its owner.

    Wasn't there a second case of Coronavirus in a German Shepherd?

    On March 19, 2020 a German Shepherd and Mixed breed from Hong Kong were sent into quarantine after their owner tested positive for Coronavirus. Although the Shepherd also tested positive, the Mixed breed received negative test results and neither developed symptoms. Still, the AFCD has confirmed that there is no evidence that dogs can transmit Coronavirus, despite the previous examples.

    So what should we do with our pets during this pandemic?

    The AFCD advises that any pets exposed to the virus should be quarantined. Otherwise, love on your pets! While we may not be able to interact with humans, it is safe to interact with dogs and cats. These companions are a gift in the midst of social distancing, isolation, and quarantine. So give them a hug today!